You're welcome and thanks to Bridge for the summary.
My main conclusion over the past year is that Matt has taken pretty good care of his shareholders overall:
- We had the initial increase in O/S to fund some projects (convertible debt and S-1 I believe), those are progressing and we'll see revenue from them. I hope that over time as those projects come to realization an O/S decrease can be effected and the share price appreciate.
That's a good use of O/S -- where its accretive to the company. A bad use of O/S is funding daily operations. We clearly don't have that.
- The convertible debt BCAP owns is still on track as far as I understand
- the S-1 filings Matt told us about are still in progress and on track
- BCAP is continuing on its current growth path
Most importantly, we are trading in a stable range and not trading on hype. Using regular metrics, BCAP is priced accordingly:
tangible book value: $0.0002 (that's net unecumbered assets that could be borrowed against)
gross assets: $0.0004
I could definitely make a case for the shares having a higher valuation, but I won't go into that now. BCAP is a small company that's just 8 months into its existence.
If there's an acquisition that adds to the bottom line BCAP would appreciate accordingly. If an acquisition would detract from the bottom line its better for Matt not to consumate IMO since it harms shareholders over time.