doesn't mean much. They'll review the data - have their grad students do the write-up. Disciplines covering all cancer types and testing procedures in the trial should be represented on the publication. It shows best trial conduct. Done all the time in the big research hosps.
Ctix is paying for this trial. If results are not what ctix desires - that in no way means a negative for DF. They will still publish paper on novel agent with info re drugs activity and effect even if that info is not good. And they can still look great in the publication. Look back at some of the old publications of the early nutlin agents. The hospital research teams had a blast identifying the genotoxicity cascade caused by those p53 molecule attempts. (I would bet that the sponsor companies at that time really resented ever signing a contract that allowed for such publication.) A chain of names in no way indicates successful trial for the sponsor company. Sponsor company and hired research organization can have very different ideas about what is successful publication for a trial like this.