Once we start the Prurisol trial and investors get fairly regular updates on how dosing is progressing, some news on how patients are reacting during the observation phase, and then finally the end results (I would think all within a period of 3-4 months) it will take the pressure off the constant pleas for news regarding the Kevetrin trial. By the time Prurisol has had it's run of news, Kevetrin should be in a pretty good state as by then we should be at least to late cohort 5 or further in the trial. Another point, once Prurisol kicks up the SP a bit it will take the worry off many who seem to consider a move of a few dimes major news.
I think we may stay in the same pattern for another month at the longest (you never know when some great unexpected news will come out of CTIX) and then Prurisol should have kicked off or is about to kick off and that is when I think the "news train" will finally start moving and Leo's statement that 2013 would be a good year for lots of news will begin to take effect. I personally feel the summer has been flying by since ASCO and couldn't be happier with the way everything seems to be progressing just as expected. Slow, steady, and quiet is fine with me.