If we all put bids in one tick below the ask and continually adjust it up, the pps would never fall, and this "fishing for shares" game would abruptly end, as they would be immediately filled and loose more shares than they are trying to gain! All it takes is all of us longs piled on the bid, then the new investors can slap the ask for us and we can continue to grow. Also, makes L2 look beautiful all the time!
Really wish I had deep enough pockets, I would do it on my own. That would be SOOOO much fun! Especially with a 5k bid with millions hidden behind it! How demoralizing would that be for the shorts and the flippers and the naysayers? I can just imagine their frustration and anger. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!
Worst case scenario: we all get filled at these ridiculously low prices and they have to pay dearly to get the pps down.
Best case scenario: all the above mentioned folks are dissuaded from trying to manipulate this down any more and we get some cheapies from them while tasting the sweet salt of their collective trears and watch the pps climb back up to where it really should have been all along!