Hope is a wonderful thing. People who have hope accomplish great things. When the children of Israel came to the land that had been promised for hundreds of years, only two were ready to take it. They had hope. The rest looked at all the reasons why it would be impossible for God to fulfill His promise to them. They looked at all the circumstances-the people were bigger than them, they had iron chariots and versed in warfare. They looked at their past as a better place to be than where they were at then. Better to go back to Egypt than have hope in these present circumstances. In the past 6 months I have sought to know the people that have the dream of this company in their care. And they are an awesome bunch. My hope has not dwindled. It has increased. And I am still buying. And, Max, that was an awesome story about your dad. He had hope. And never stopped hoping. And look what it produced. You had an awesome mentor. My best to all, Jim. Ps-I am one of those who looks for an awesome PR every day. I don't know the day, but I know it will come.