$TRON .0062 News out Toron Inc. is pleased to announce work program for Tiblemont Properties in Quebec
MONTREAL, Aug. 2, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Toron Inc. (OTCBB: TRON) - (The Company), is pleased to announce its work program for its Tiblemont Properties located in Quebec. The properties to be explored are located in the South Eastern part of the Abitibi Greenstone Belt of the Canadian Shields, Superior Province. The Tiblemont Gold Property (TGP) is located 40 kms north east of Val Dor Quebec. The Val Dor region has produced over 30 million ounces of gold since its discovery in the early 1900s. With the use of new technological tools there are thought to be many more potential discoveries in the region.
Toron has put together an Exploration Work Program for its Tiblemont Gold Property. This property is made up of 100 claims encompassing approximately 11,000 acres. The Work Program will be broken up into three phases:
Phase 1 of the proposed work would be to put together a Compilation and Reinterpretation of all the existing geophysical data that is available on the property. In addition, all historical geological, geophysical and exploration works would be examined.
Phase 2 would involve Prospecting and Geophysical Mapping of the areas. Then Geophysical surveys using both airborne and land based magnetic surveys.
Phase 3 will be Exploration Drilling on targets identified by Phase 1 and Phase 2. This would be followed with Compilation of all data and further interpretation.
"We are very eager to begin our three phase Work Program as we are encouraged by the results of our 43-101 report and newly found results from a drilling program by another company which neighbors our claims", states, CEO of Toron, Michael Whitehead.
About Us Toron Inc. (www.toroninc.com) prides itself on being a new mineral exploration company focusing its attention on projects involving gold and other valuable metals. Based in Quebec, one of Canada's richest mining provinces, Toron Inc., a Nevada company incorporated a wholly owned subsidiary, Toron Resources Inc., for the sole purpose of exploring mining projects in Canada, and specifically, in Quebec and Ontario.