funny to me how many sell or grunt, looking a gift horse in the mouth when they clearly should have been thankfully buying!! Find a group, or learn how to trade is my advice to those who haven't discovered why they continue to do poorly in the markets... favorite stocks notwithstanding.
no stock goes up forever, most are in a range until some expected event, (some cases unexpected) moves the stock UP or DOWN and out of that range. one of the keys is knowing what events will cause what long-term reaction and acting accordingly to preserve your capital or grow it- pretty simple really. in this case, the stock is stable, strong, and transparent but they missed an important scheduled event, so the market sold it (while they also needed some-- little money) and investors in the know took the opportunity to add more obviously...the price did not break down it simply moved back into the lower- loading-zone - trading range. that, imo, was a gift. it will be back up, and when the stock delivers on set goals (audit, uplisting and whatnot) the stock will correct accordingly.
just another missed opportunity, but painting this stock (or others) with the same broad brush (and the color commentary that does not belong to this particular stock) shows how much folks need to learn about the market, the stock, and their investments. this was buying time with a grateful smile. stick around and watch,...soon you'll see first-hand what i mean!