Its a very profitable business because Medical Greens are in general a consulting, Licensing, management and banking company. Their main product, and this is my own opinion, the main product IS Kevin Allyn's licensing and business skills(and connections) AND Jeff Benz's legal/business experience AND IEquity provides the banking...that is how I saw it from day 1.......
IMO They are changing and developing the business of collectives to fit the laws of california and the federal Government. I believe they were shown ways to get around and play within the laws BEFORE they even went into Medical Greens....
I believe they have something big they will announce later, perhaps consolidating a bunch of collectives into only a few collectives fully regulated by the state and managed by SKTO...this is all my opinion, i never get to write this on IHub cause i know it will get torn apart, but thats my feeling
Also of course D.Gold/Apel's research will play a big part but that will be a little later on....
I will tie in how the other Iequity companies will come together later imo