Here we go , 1st, Supposedly our patent has changed hands. Is that fair to asume
Is it also fair to say that if the patent did in fact change hands is the patent value from the new holder going to pay for it how ?
would it be by Royalties of revenue
Would it be broken into dividends by quarter. WHY I ASK IS!!
If this patent is going to conner a portion of the market. not all, but some. and still in Gary hands the value will change. I valued it with Gary still holding it at 1.5 billion I took in to consideration that the reach was Africa,Asia,India,Euroupe & south America Providing it was not going to be restricted in those countries and not having to apply for special licenses.
Dont pay any attention to the value of 1.5 billion that I put on it. is the thinking in line.
Ground zero, Geeeeeeez can a fellow get a break. PLEASE REFRAIN FROM ANY LOL'S. NOW THATS LOL. Okay GOoooooooooo