BLDW's tap into the strong market vein of LED lighting !
LED Inventor Nick Holonyak and the history of LED lighting
LED Inventor Nick Holonyak Reflects on Discovery 50 Years Later
"Holonyak, in the GE interview, remembers feeling that he was onto something big when “the magic one” first illuminated: “I know that I'm just at the front end but I know the result is so powerful…there's no ambiguity about the fact that this has got a life way beyond what we're seeing.”
"Holonyak has called the LED the "ultimate lamp" because "the current itself is the light." As a result, an LED can have lower losses and higher efficiencies than other lighting technologies ."
"Businesses such as Starbucks, Walmart, Target and Marriott believe in the power of Holonyak's invention. They understand that LED systems deliver value not just through energy-cost savings. Maintenance-cost savings are significant because LEDs last longer than any other light source. The LED value proposition isn't reserved for retail giants operating thousands of locations. Smaller regional grocers and other retail chains, such as Food City and Wawa, are getting in on the act. One of the fastest growing applications of LED systems - roadway and area lighting - holds appeal for cities as big as Las Vegas and as small as Superior, Nebraska, population 2,000."
Nice ! Good choice, BLDW ! A very marketable product !