EDWY could possible merge with a company, but acquisitions of any value just does not make sense. Why would a company of ANY value want to be acquired by EDWY?
How would an acquisition be good for shareholders? The only way they can pay for a company is with shares, the new company would dump the shares as soon as possible for a huge discount to market, so the "tiny" float would be bloated again and an RS would need to happen.
Now after that, what. 5th RS, the new EDWY just MIGHT have a chance to do something, but current investors would be burned pretty good and I would think that "celebration" boat party might just have to be cancelled.
So, it would seem that those who are selling EDWY as a "retirement" stock are just simply blowing smoke out of their ass.
One thing I can give you credit for, no matter how much BS you spew about this POS, I have not read too many posts about holding for Dollars.
Keep taking advantage of the ignorant and make hay while the sun shines, because your EDWY scam will eventually run it's course..