A Message from the Colorado Secretary of State
This e-mail is notification that Tytan Holdings, Inc. has become Noncompliant for failure to file its Periodic Report.
The entity may be returned to compliance and Good Standing by filing a Periodic Report. The Periodic Report is required to maintain the Good Standing of the entity, as well as the registered agent and principal office information.
If the Periodic Report is not filed by September 30, 2012, the entity will become Delinquent.
For more information, please review the record by visiting our website, www.sos.state.co.us . Select "Business Organizations" on the left and then click on " Search ". You can search for the record by entering either the record name or ID number.
You can also use the following instructions to file the Periodic Report.
- Go to the Secretary of State's website, www.sos.state.co.us .
- Click on "Business Renewal (Periodic Report)" under the Business & Licensing section.
- Search for the entity.
- If you search by ID number, you will be taken to the Record Confirmation page.
- If you search by the entity name, you will receive a Record Identification Results page. On that page, select the ID number for the organization.
- At the Record Confirmation page, click on "Confirm" to indicate you have found the correct record.
- The next page will be the Periodic Report. Complete the report and click on "Submit".
- The next page will be the Transaction Preview. This page allows you to double-check the information you are submitting. Click on "Accept" to move on to the payment page.
- On the payment page, enter your credit or debit card or prepaid account information, and click on "Pay Now".
- You will then receive a Transaction Confirmation page. This indicates the report has been filed, and the payment has been received.
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