LMAO!!! Hate to re-post incoherent mumblings from the short bus board but a poster on the "other" board responded to one of our favorite regulars recently with one of the funniest posts I have read in quite a while, thought it would be amusing to re-post here. Have fun.
HighTimes tweeted ==> "Sleek Discreet & Elegant #CANNACig Vaporizer by $RFMK Represented by Cheryl Shuman
Gotta Have It!"
iScam regular posted as a response the usual continuation of hatred ==> "I'd say Cheryl Shuman wrote that tweet and asked hightimes to post it...
The fact is RFMK does not have hightimes endorsement. A tweet from hightimes mentioning CannaCig and Cheryl Shuman was a personal favor for Cheryl. The tweet did not say they liked the CannaCig
Every desparate move they make like claims of endorsements that are not true is more nails in the RFMK coffin"
In response a poster posted a rather light hearted break down of the faulty assumptions and rather amusing logic ==>
Definitely some sinister forces at work here.
The Theory:
1)Cheryl Shuman came up with a message of 150 characters or less
2)Decided against posting it from her own Twitter account
3)Asked Hightimes to post a message endorsing her product
4)Hightimes has a history of tweeting unmerited praise about products
5)The Cannabis Cup never happened because Hightimes lacks integrity and is on this sinister plot.
6)All of those pictures from the Cannabis Cup were created through Photoshop.
7)Anybody that says they attended the event are liars and/or paid RFMK shills.
8)All of the Award Winners from the Cannabis Cup were shell companies started by that Mexican mechanic that's going to have trouble paying his FICA. I see what's really going on here.
Either that or Hightimes tweeted something original..."