Yes, I feel very encouraged and even a bit excited at this stage. I also keep passing on the relevant information and key news items (along with videos) to friends and correspondents. Some took positions, mostly paying .0001, so they did twice as well as me. Some are looking to increase their positions in good time. I also see a lot of keen interest building here, with quite a few new viewers and prospective posters – partly in anticipation of the end of the week, but it's not only that.
The Tiger is lurking, and we are lynked to it. Maybe I'm in danger of drifting off topic, but, so far as I know, nobody has ever quoted the opening lines of William Blake's splendid lyric "The Tyger" (1793): I wouldn't be all that surprised if the innovators had that in mind at the moment of naming the underwater forest harvester: "Tyger, Tyger, burning bright / In the forests of the night". The features of a forest environment and surrounding darkness are there, and the "y" in Blake's spelling "Tyger" may have been shifted into the maverick spelling "lynk".
At the present rate it may take an hour or two to keep up with one day's posts. I look forward to that moment. LOL.