I read this on another companies PR talking about the uplisting of its own stock.
Speaking about its own OTCQX uplisting "This is of course a requirement to engage the interest of Investment Banks and Institutional Investors."
Investment banks...
Institutional investors...
I bet you they got some money to throw into a company that is positioned so well in a industry that has lagged change of nearly EVERY other large industry to date?
The benefit of being next to the market as opposed to first is you have the ability to use what worked, and what didn't to your companies benifit. With the ability to be small and flexible Steve can mold his company into what will yield us all the most profit for our time / investments.
If you live in the United States their is a great chance you have internet technology that was laid 15+ years ago. While storage and hardware has well outpaced this. We will always be stuck until more companies are providing service like google fiber.
So google will not use landline telephones when they lay their line. They will also have 100 times faster internet than any other prior service. Google is second to that market. But I have a feeling they will make people realize how far we have come. And since they are second to market, They save the cost of laying a complete set of line. Therefore Google will remain at a cost advantage everytime a new area has been upgraded.
Why am I talking about google changing the internet industry again? Because companies like that directly effect the profitability of NEW media companies. Of companies like ICPA who can make green screen content (very cheap to make) into a 50+ million a year revenue deal! + more that we DON'T see yet!
This company has come so far in 1 year. Its already started evolving into something bigger and with more connections than at any pt prior... Its an exciting time to have put in the work and KNOW WHAT YOU OWN!