Getting some more in the AM. GLAD YOU GUYS ENJOYED MY ALERT ON BRND <still love BRND by the way>.
This is a DANGEROUS trade, I do not normally alert DILUTERS, but in this case I feel I know who is diluting. It is NEVER good to catch a falling knife, and this one is falling. As soon as all the selling ceases though, I feel this could be a good one. The question to ask now is WHEN. Very VERY RISKY.... you have been warned. This was once trading at $1 though. We shall see. I am accumulating bit by bit with my fingers crossed.
"Some DD taken from 8-K dated April 18th, 2013 Link: http://www.otcmarkets.com/edgar/GetFilingHtml...ID=9229378 CEO has most of the new A/S: COMMON SHARES The Board of Directors has deemed it advisable to increase the authorized limit of the common stock to 979,999,994 shares at $0.00001 Par Value. COMMON SHARES The Board of Directors has deemed it advisable to issue 510,000,000 shares of common class stock at Par Value ($0.00001) to Ron Miller, the Corporation’s Chief Executive Officer, based on the terms and conditions set forth in his employment agreement attached herein as Exhibit 3.1.3. Here is today's diluter IMO: 3. New Agreement. Company and KATIE JARMAIN agree to replace 100% of the amount owed from the Agreement (Exhibit A) with the following new agreement: Company shall issue to KATIE JARMAIN, Thirty Six Thousand Six Hundred Forty Nine (36,649) shares of Class “ C ” Preferred shares of stock pursuant to an agreement to convert the accrued principal and interest amount of $91,623.00 to Preferred Stock at a price of $2.50 USD per share. So yes the A/S is 980M but with CEO owning 510M restricted, the worst case is a float of 470M, but that 92K will be covered long before that number is reached. SVAD"