Lets put our revenues into context here with MJNA. MJNA reported a 1st qtr income of 1.275 mill and that mainly was because of the questionable canavest deal. Skto showed 5 mill. That's over 3 times the income!! Our share structure is better then theirs too. They ran to 50 cents. Once we show 10 mill in revs for the first 2 quarters and its audited and given our management with political backing and Larry King and everything else, this thing could straight up rocket past a dollar. I mean why wouldn't it. After Larry King and when the general public finds out about us we could see a Medbox style run. Not to $215 but maybe $5-10. You never know. Hype and speculation with a ton of new investors could send us to the moon after Larry. But even without Larry, just based on revenue alone, we should be over $1. Stop selling and start buying if you knew what was good for you.