Yes I think the plan is to ship some of the ca 75k tons of .5-1mm sinter fines processed by the trommel while they continue to deal w the govt re the time delay of the ore at port -as noted by the 6-25-12 PR-and as noted by the PR the time delay was caused by the govt requiring a series of audits even AFTER the new permit was issued--many never before seen murphys law harassments.
however if the deal re the ore at port is resolved sooner than expected...
the fertilizer could be shipped or even railroaded to the U.S-I dont remember whether there is a railroad to ensenada-a discussion we had a year ago-many claiming no such railroad-I thought somebody may have said their is-grajek recently brought up point of shipping fert to U.S by railroad -is there a railroad to Ensenada?