facts like that are pretty much reserved for a K or Q, inferred different story. There seems to be 2 consortiums vying
for dominance, (companies backing VP9 or those backing HEVC, (seem to be the leaders)). The ISO & ITU seem to be backing HEVC. From information we've gathered I think HEVC will emerge as the victor, (and that DUTV is involved with HEVC; hence also companies
associated with HEVC).
ISO/ITU policies seem to be more supportive and open to a company like DUTV. (to me...not my background), (ck #1408).
Could DUTV compression have an integral component that would be required for either VP9 or HEVC?....maybe, given statements like "WE are IPTV.."
SP movement and news may also be an indicator of connections.
.....think about it like this, involved w/one of the groups would be good/2 better/all best .
worst case scenario is still Good imo.