1) How is Shannon Miller Getting Compensated? How much? Shannon Miller’s company is being compensated in a combination of stock as well as monetarily. We cannot disclose the monetary portion, as our contractual relationship precludes us from doing so. However, in order to lend some reassurance to those who may have some concerns, the endorsement is not of a burden to the company.
2) Is the $350K that is owed to Stakool for the acquisition of the public entity tied in with the Dec and Feb debt payments of $125,000?
-Paid $130k Jan 5th 2012, so down to $220 You are correct, it is down to $220k. Upon the signing of the deal in regards to the acquisition, the Company put down $100k, with a successive interim payment of $30k. The remaining amounts due have been restructured. The total due remains $220k; however, we have negotiated smaller payments spread out over a longer period of time. The Company is current with its financial obligations at this time.
3) What does one of the Preferred Shares of Anthus equal? (i.e. Int Rate, Conversion # etc) (SS indicates there are 10mm Preferred Shares in it) The Preferred Shares that have been issued are sitting in an escrow account and will be returned to us following one of the scheduled payments. Once they are returned, those shares will be retired. 4) Who is the Retailer from the Feb 14th PR w/ 500 stores that will generate $500k annually? We will be releasing the name of this retailer shortly.
5) Have either of the 2 Notes ($125K/each) Due Dec 9th and Feb 10th, been paid off? Please see the answer to the reply in your question 2.