The I-dud moderators and pumpers didn't simply say MMTE was great, nor did they just say that in their opinion MMTE was the best, or even that lithium is the wave of the future, and they certainly didn't just say everything posted was simply their opinion. Instead, they went much further. And, this is why some want no part of a criminal investigation, because they know they would be drawn into the fray.
You see, when I returned to the MMTE board after a long absence taking care of my wife who was diagnosed with cancer, the first posts I made warned the board that the words "certain" and "guaranteed" should never be used when speaking about the market. And, that is especially true when speaking about penny stocks. However, some went much further. They spoke of private and secrete meetings between only William and one or two others. In these meetings William was said to revealed all, and investors could take what William said to the bank. Others spoke of private phone conferences where William revealed material information of future company events to just the chosen few. This, my friends, is illegal. Meetings with just one or two and phone conferences with only a few are both wrong and illegal if material information is revealed and then investors trade based on this information. And, both parties are guilty --- William for revealing the material information not made public and the people involved in these secrete meetings and private phone conferences.
So the proof is there folks. One can look up old posts from specific individuals and find the stories told and who provided the info. These posters openly and blatantly told everyone William provided the information, and admitted their own involvement. Thus, one has a slam-dunk case for insider trading and stock manipulation. The posters self incriminated themselves and incriminated William Lieberman too.
But lets consider for a moment that the stories were not true (I posted e-mails directly from William where he stated these stories were untrue and were complete nonsense). That would mean the stories were actually lies. And, it means the I-dud moderators and pumpers deliberately deceived message board members and investors. This, my friends, is called fraud and is also evidence of stock manipulation. But don't just take my word for it, call an attorney and see for yourselves.
Some say, well Kgem you posted poems. So true, so call an attorney and ask if it is illegal to post poems regarding a stock or company. Poems which encouraged investors to do research on their own. Could poems be considered a form of pumping? Perhaps, but so what? A poem is not illegal, and any good attorney would tell you so.
This was the problem on I-dud. Some folks didn't know the law, and some didn't give a damn. But they controlled the message so no truth could be spoken. So now you have the basis for a criminal case that can put these people in jail, and you can go after their homes, their cars, their personal possessions, and their bank accounts too.
In all likelihood, you will get more out of these people than you will out of William.