See, I thought you and he were pretty close......
These silly fools really think we all are in so heavily and are such a huge group - when basically due to their shenanigans one by one we started learning about the others and pairing up - so we really have become even a larger group
So let me be the first to say this - Before DUSS - I never heard of most of these people....
And get this guys - they are all great - honest and funny and smart - We are now a h uyge group when it comes to the amount of shares...
And liable - don't ever tell me again you can't short.........EVER........EAT THOSE WORDS BABY - THough I have been cursed at by him behind the scenes when I said you can short - Been called many things - Sighhhhhhhhhh
BLESS YOU LIABLE AND WAR MACHINE.....YOU ARE GONNA NEED IT - not by me, not by DUSS - but by a much higher entity than I could ever hope to even come close to being...Lying, cheating, defaming, - defaming yourselves even for a lousy buck - YOu sold yourselves out - what a pity.