All well said - However, IMHO, CC was taken to the wood shed on the IPO Agreement and the shareholders were inevitably held hostage and suffered catastrophic decline in the PPS (possibly while PF was illegally dumping - we don't know for sure - yet).
Since IPO consummation, the "Consultant" has been terminated effective Feb., 2013, and I expect to hear news on PF within the next 2-3 weeks regarding his complete eliminated also with CYBK and/or its share structure. With the float as low as it is,
I also expect the floor is in at $0.01 and sub-sub penny is highly unlikely.
That all said, if (and I do mean if) CC and OM have gained 100% control of the operation and "if" XSKN is a revenue generating powerhouse w/$20-Mil. on the books and "if" the partnership agreement with Pre-Way places CYBK's kiosks in 20,000 participating locations with a major Telco Service Provider in the mix, then Phil Cheese's long overdue prediction of $0.20, $0.30, $0.40 or even $0.50 could become a reality very very quickly....
"Cyber Kiosk Solutions through its partnership with PreWay™ and its 20,000 + retail distribution outlets will assist XSKN in becoming the leader in its market within North America. Updates regarding contracts and agreements with Empasys™, American First Equity, Max Cellular and PreWay to be released shortly."
Its quite obvious CC has not spoken or provided shareholders with an update for almost 4 months time - there simply must be a reason for this. I would also expect this silent period to be broken relatively soon as well "if" in fact that is what has transpired here.
Also, don't forget the below revenue structure previously issued on CYB: - it speaks volumes:
Max Cellular revenues:
200 units being sold as beta test
200 units x $3,600 = $720,000 for the units
Monthly revenue from 200 units
200 units x $600 = $120,000
200 units x $800 = $160,000
CYBK ~~ The potential is huge unit sales
5,000 units x $3,600 = $18,000,000 for the units
Monthly revenue from 5,000 units
5,000 units x $600 = $3,000,000
5,000 units x $800 = $4,000,000
This is serious money above gang...