Yeah, silly bashers went and draghged a few more friends to be moderators - How funny..
Won't matter - once we have news, I am going to pocket goooooooooooood money - and they can call me whatever they wish while I smile $$$$$$$ big time...
Dang - They can call me angry hippo all they want - Wen I rake in couple hundred thousand dollars I will even buy them a beer - Yes, I will...I don't hold grudges...It takes its toll on the one h olding a grudge - not the person you hold it against...
And even if I am w rong, it wont matter - Why? Because it is MY money and no one elses and I choose what to do with it not them...This is all soooooooooo silly...Sometimes its scary to know you are sometimes hearing evil people...This isn't just shorting - This really is from evil people. Open Twitter and to go IWanna_seamor there is post after post - like a maniac on cocaine - Name calling - hissing and spitting like a serpent - Almost like a form from Hell itself. This person truly has a mental issue - I've been around about 15 years and thought I had seen it all - But, NOT! It isn't even about the stock anymore - it is pure vile spewing from him..
This is NOT a person who feels well...I get angry, but at times I feel sorry for him - I can't imagine what someone must feel like to wake up like that every morning - And it's all day and all night - Oh My after post after post - There is not one single positive or even neutral post that I see.
Poor guy....