I like this quote:
"Located in the Montana Tech Mineral Research Center in the Industrial Park, J3 has 7 employees including scientists and engineers at the Ph.D., M.S. and B.S. levels. “Although J3 is new,” Bickford said, “we have over 100 years of cumulative professional experience.” In addition, we have a depth of talent representing several companies and individuals which are available to aid us in large scale projects. They provide environmental solutions and services to clients in the United States and around the world."
If you check the profiles of all known names involved with J3 who have worked with established companies in the environmental sector etc then at some point work will flow back through them into J3. I mean these are all highly qualified scientists and engineers who all have decades of experience, and as it goes with people with good reputations they acquire solid contacts throughout their careers, and have grown an expanded network of potential clients that may come to J3, just because they know good, honest hard working people with high credentials are working there!
Not only that but they're also connected to the University of Montana & are leasing office space of them, so that ought to give you an indication that the trust is mutual. Being attached to a university always adds more credibility for prospect clients and looks good on your CV, Brochures, Prospectus', Introduction documentation etc. Butte is known for its mining, so are the skills of that university, so it wouldn't surprise me if they have a contract in that sector before having one at Oak Ridge, cement & power plants. Or one of the incubator companies will almost certain come from the univ as a sort of spin-off. The resumé's of the engineers of J3 are broad and pervasive enough to cater in many fields, just check the website to see where they good at, or worked at! J3 being a startup may have to need some time to deploy themselves but at some point these folks will come up with the goods