Globe says Opel claims 10:1 advantage over silicon chip
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Wednesday July 10 2013 - In the News
The Globe and Mail reports in its Wednesday edition Geoff Taylor has spent three decades building what he believes is a better microchip. In a Globe special, Adrian Brijbassi writes Dr. Taylor is among the scientists who believe the silicon regime is near the end of its shelf life. A native of Mississauga, Dr. Taylor has created a microchip at his laboratory at the University of Connecticut that is made of gallium arsenide (GaAs), a widely available chemical compound that the professor of electrical engineering and photonics says has shown a "10-to-1 advantage" in performance over silicon. With his invention nearly complete, his hope now is to draw attention and dollars from companies whose wealth has derived from the production of silicon chips. Dr. Taylor's invention is owned by Opel Technologies, which is changing its name to Poet Technologies Inc. Opel was a multimillion-dollar solar company until last year, when it sold off its solar assets to focus on developing and selling Dr. Taylor's chips. It has 15 employees, most of them at the Connecticut lab, and a market capitalization of $61-million. Led by its co-founder, Dr. Taylor, Poet is preparing to approach chipmakers in Silicon Valley this summer.
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