Moxy the TA is not gaged but rather was asked to refer all calls to Nuemark Group, LLC . Ray has an arrangement with Shaun to provide this service. He will however be reporting the AS & OS that is shown on OTC Markets. You can imagine that most OTCBB companies would have a hard time keeping a TA with all the calls they would get on a daily basis. I'll create a new post here wih the same information I aready provided on Iscam.
The handful of people we currently have here at this time probably hold....this is an educated guess.....but I'd say about 400 million shares. There's many more on FB that have yet to join and I'm not counting them. I'm confident that this company is the Real Deal. Raymond Brown has everything he has invested in this company (~$4mil). He has an added incentive to get his money back and see a HUGE return! He's Sharp! If you haven't talked with him then I encourage you to call him.