This was posted a minute ago by Alan C on the dark-side board. I know it will be deleted and the reason is that it is all the truth. Where in present condition of our country have you heard about hiding the truth before. Many of you may think we are all a bunch of little children playing in the school yard. Something tells me some may get angry and join the fight soon.
The following is Alan's post.
I will try and explain to you once again and hope you understand. We both agree 55,000 shares total is a very very small number of shares but that is precisely why we longs are accumulating. TEVE has cutting edge technology and is well situated in an industry that is about to generate billions of dollars in revenues and earnings.
With revenues and earnings rolling in, cash dividends can be paid to shareholders and to prevent the stock from rising too high in price forward splits can be declared. I tried to point out how TASR followed a similar path with the stock rising from about $5.00 to about $300. per share with two forward splits a 2/1 and 3/1 as I recall being declared in about a 5/6 month timeframe. I purchased my TEVE shares through Fidelity and Etrade and if the shares are just naked shorted shares represented by markers the problem is theirs not mine. They won't want to be responsible for paying me dividends when they are not receiving the money for them. How they resolve the problem is up to them but I am confidant they will even if they have to sue whoever they used as the MM. I hope this makes it clear as to why I am a smiling long! Go TEVE!!!
There is no limit to the loss of someone has been caught in a short squeeze.