Well I see with a little help from Alan we have run the dumb and dumber crew away for now. They will be back because their handlers will tell them they must go back. I will be here but if you think your tough Alan is fighting cancer for his life. I have been there 3 times and I know what he has gone thru and I know what he has to face. I have had 25 Chemo's and 25 radiations and that was just one occurrence. Enough about me. That which does not kill me makes me stronger. We all wish Alan the best and I know it helps him having these trolls who would try to destroy American business around to keep him going. These people know they have lost this one. They have tried taking it down and we all know that is all they have.
They know we have won and we are just waiting to see who has how many before we whack up the loot. The only people who are tough to convince are those who own TelVue.
There is no limit to the loss of someone has been caught in a short squeeze.