
Liquidity in the stock market. THE ABILITY TO SELL. I have been buying TelVue for 15 years and there has never been a time I could not sell. When I started to buy I was paying 2 cents and was offered 1 cent to sell stock. A loss it would have been. I never sold a share of TelVue in all the years. I could have sold when people were paying any where from 15 cents to 50 cents. I'm not all that great with numbers but I think buying at 2 cents and selling at 50 cents is a 10bagger twice with 5 bags left over for taxes. Some will tell you pigs get slaughtered. Not this pig.
I am not bragging but I am forced to tell it like it is. Those who buy at $11.00 today or 5 1/2 cents per share will sell in the very near future if they wish for 10 times that.
Those who will tell you that TelVue is not liquid simple mean you may not sell for more than that which you have paid and no one is selling. They may have an issue that is guaranteed.
Ask them what stock they prefer and if they tell you it will be TelVue and it will be the shares you own.
When I put an order in to buy for the asking price and had to sit all day till it was filled may be why TelVue has no volume.
People want what you own. Can't afford more. OK. So hold what you have and let the industry that is changing your life with Technology every minute of every day do it's thing.
There are 55,000 total available. What's in your safe.


There is no limit to the loss of someone has been caught in a short squeeze.