Ohhh Boo Hoo "Back-Fire-Troll" !!
You ~ Playing Games with me is what started this all!! Learn the Charts and News etc etc, "Brother!!" I post either "Co. +" or "Co -" depending on where a Co is weighted!! Koos Diluted the Freaking Piss outta BMSN when I did Flip!! That is just Smart Trading!! You make Horrible Trades and haven't learned from them! That is why you're a Soar-A$$-Sour-A$$! My Info is Current and that is what Piss'd ya off even More,, you couldn't fight it!! ...and yes,, there still IS a Current Lawsuit!!
"morally wrong" = Yet you were in BMSN Bashing today! = MORON!
....but only a Stock Trading Moron posts "Co. -" in I HUB after he/she has bought in !!
Time to Grow a Pair,,, You're at the Big-Boys Table Now!