In September of 2011 SIRG engaged Wilcox Professional Services of Phoenix, AZ to provide exploratory drilling and laboratory services with regard to its Tailings Impoundment project and then engaged Geological Group Mining & Environmental Consultants, Inc. to review the analyses of Chloride Mine tailings presented in the Certificate of Analysis by ALS Minerals, dated October 13, 2011.
(Those certified analysis are vital to estimating the value of ores on a mining project.)
The conclusions, based on the analyses provided by the Wilcox drilling and ALS Mineral Lab Tests, were that there is a resource of approximately 9.9 million pounds of copper and 9.0 million pounds of zinc in the tailings.
It was also recommended that additional test work to confirm the analyses and the recoverable copper and zinc be done. The tailings are the waste product from the previous operation of the Emerald Isle Mine from 1943 to 1973 when copper recovery was much lower than today’s recovery rates.