I hope everyone that comes by gives us a sign, "i on u" or something.
I think everyone has some juice to bring to this party whether it's knowldge of charts, fundamentals, technology, a skewed view, or just encouragement to keep knocking.
We'd appreciate it.
....just so you know, I tend to have a positive bias in what I put $ into, (otherwise why do it?).
I am satisfied with my position and have no inclination or intent to induce another to buy or sell.
You do that at your own discretion based on what you think.
I make no claim to being a skilled trader/investor or knowledge of tech.
I tend to be intuitive and jump with little information.
A detail person is just that and why I refer to the board information for a good guide and reference, (from what I gather the Cap'n is in the field).
I do wish any and all the best of life.
Rock On and Party