I would encourage anyone to call him. He answered the phone right away and we talked for 28 min. He spent a lot of time explaining that they have to do what they have to do to get the company to be successful. He mentioned several times that they don't have money and that they have never had money. Which is in the financial statements.
They are paying the programmers over seas and he himself does not a take a paycheck. He said that he has only been paid once in the past 4-5 years and that was from a $400 reimbursement for something he put in his credit card.
He said he learned to be more careful when telling people things because of all the bashers that are out there on IHUB. Some people would call and then twist his words around. So, I can understand him not always being so forthcoming.
Also, he said they do not want to pump the stock. That they get offers all the time from these pumpers that either want money or shares to pump them and then the price just falls back down. So I feel like he was very sincere.
Please, the more of us that call and ask questions, the more informed we will be.
I encourage everyone to do so.