"Solvent-extraction/electro-winning is used to pull copper from oxidized copper ore bodies."
This is wrong, a chemical reacts with and solublizes the copper in the solvent.The copper is extracted fromt the solvent with strong aqueous acid which then deposits pure copper onto cathodes using an electrolytic procedure ( electrowinning ).
Nothing can be done in the way of reclamation or anything else, for that matter, until the Bureau of Land Management issues Sierra a permit. The company is basically at the beginning of that process.
This is wrong - SIRG is NOT at the beginning of the permitting process. True they cannot begin the Reclamation process that was the responsibility of Copper Mesa but SIRG can repair the entrance road and remove old piping and debris to clean up the site - haul the junk away. They may not move any dirt or ore. The MOP was submitted by Rizzo in Feb!
Ruben Sanchez, of the BLM's Kingman field office, said Sierra must submit a mining plan of operations, which is supposed to explain exactly what Sierra plans to do. That document is the vehicle for the environmental assessment.
This is wrong as a revised MOP was already submitted by Rizzo in Feb and was signed off by the geologist in the BLM Kingman office on June 5th. What he meant to say is that BLM decided they now want a DEIS despite neither of the 2 neighboring mines being required to produce one.
Sierra hopes to start construction in December and have the plant producing copper in January or February.
Yeah - he got that right!