Thanks for all the great info; you confirmed to me that the upcoming year and a half should be packed with ongoing tests/trials for Kevetrin and that I have absolutely no clue as to what is really going on. The more I learn the less I realize I know.
One thought that kept getting stronger reading your post was that expectations for an early buyout (say Mar 2014 or earlier) seem pretty remote because the true value of Kevetrin will be nowhere close to being known that early. In fact, I would say 2015 may be a more realistic time frame for a buyout (if that is what is going to occur). I would really appreciate your take on this statement.
Here's a joke for all you "Maine Woodsmen/ Woodswomen (what do they call women adept at forestry type of skills?) .
A man gets married and about 8 weeks later he is in his den loading his own ammo as he is a major hunter/fisher/camper/etc. His wife enters and stands looking over his shoulder, arms crossed and brow furrowed. He glances up at her and says "What is it dear?
She responds "Well now that we are married I think it is about time you gave up this hunting/fishing/camping lifestyle and spending so much time with your friends in the woods. In fact, we could sell your boat and motor, get rid of your guns, and you and I could then spend a lot more time together."
A look of utter pain crossed his face and his astonished wife yelled " What's the matter? You look like you just saw a ghost!"
He replied "For a minute there, you sounded just like my ex-wife!"
"Your ex-wife" she screamed "You never told me you were previously married!"
"I wasn't!" was his quiet reply.