GOOOoooooD Morning chessmite and all the other bad to the bone team mates.
Ship getting ready to sail, Now thats very funny !! ( SAIL )
for the longest time On the other board it was cool that you guys would show up state what it was you needed to state, or take the garbbage out or leave a positive crumb there on the board . and for 2can I couldnt wait for those post. I would crab it what you left and start with that, it was great.
Now, I im here with you fine folks not only do I get CRUMBS I get to clear the plates with the awnser too. Say what !!!!!
You do know that I have to read every post now on two areas there and here, Does not leave me much time to look for stuff to earn my way here.
Forward thinkers !! You didnt think about 2can's work load, and he needing extra time to look for stuff. GREAT STUFF!!
I couldnt wait for this Saturday to roll around, I tried to log in to INTELSAT conference call there most recent one. just maybe I thought I would get something mentioned there if my eyes arnt working I new my ears wouldnt let me down.
Ended May 31st . its pre recorded how does that expire. Spent a good hour on it.
Okay, so back to looking for good stuff, hopfully everyone of you guys are sleeping in today and I can beat you to the information not yet found. LOL You guys have LAZER settings. not a fair playing field at all.