Hi Steve,
With all due respect, I don't see how this information brings any value to our company? Jjives Shelby or whoever this individual is , is a NON FACTOR. People are going to talk about you one way or another, those idiots on Lie hub are paid to do this. We appreciate that you stop by time to time to give us updates about the company, but I just don't see how wasting time on those POS's benefits us? Please put yourself in our shoes, as a shareholder would you want the CEO of the company you're invested in discussing non business related issues such as (other posters from a message board)? and on top of that with so many in the red. I'm not telling you how to run the company or anything, but I think that going tit for tat with these people is hurting us more than helping. They're going to twist your words, lie, etc. the board is set up for that kind of garbage. Steve as CEO please do not continue to stoop to the level of these clowns and continue to shed a negative light on our company. No matter how good our product is, if people feel as if we have an egotistical CEO that spends time arguing with posters on message boards I think this will turn off new potential investors and current longs. Please Steve can you consult with Gail and others, because I think the company's image will suffer from it. As a concerned shareholder I just wanted to give my 2cents for what it's worth.