Q2 revenues coming soon, and EPGL TO BE FEATURED IN KIPLINGER Article as early as next week !!
This Timeline will answer 99% of all questions regarding the company. This is all pure fact. See it as you may. All information that tells where EPGL came from and how it got to where it is now.
Where EPGL Med is right now, didn't happen overnight. If you are a current investor or one looking to invest, the following is a must read in it's entirety. All the DD you could possibly ask for is included. It will give you the confidence you need to weather the volatile days, that inevitably come in today's trading atmosphere.
After seeing how EPGL Med came to be, you will fully understand & realize the rarity of the situation that has made this investing opportunity the best you will ever come in contact with.
I'll start this off with the most recent PR from June 25th, 2013
June 25th, 2013
DTCC Chill Lift is Authorized
Company Will Immediately Move to File with SEC for Up-Listing EPGL Ticker
DTCC Chill Lift is Authorized
“EPGL is pleased to announce that DTCC counsel has confirmed their authorization for removal of the DTCC Chill on EPGL ticker. The Company is also announcing that it will immediately move to file SEC forms for up-listing the Company to a higher stock exchange.”
History of MPDD, EP Global Communications, and the AJW Funds.
Two renowned pain physicians, Dr. Norman Marcus and Dr. Hans Kraus (Dr. Kraus, President John F. Kennedy’s back doctor, helped found the field of sports and rehabilitative medicine.) and students at the Stephen's Institute of Technology, Jeckin Shah, Ryan Stellar (Currently a Biomed Engineer with EPGL Med) and Dan Silva form SPOC LLC (Stevens Proof of Concept), the company that first develops the MPDD in order to pinpoint the source of back pain. Eventually Digital Health Sciences acquired the license to all rights, title and interest in SPOC, LLC
March 18th, 2008
SPOC, LLC receives 501K clearance from the FDA for the Muscle Pain Detection Device. (MPDD)
501K #. K073361
Regulation Number. 890.5850
Classification Product Code. IPF
Date Received 11/30/2007
Decision Date 03/18/2008
501K Clearance
Between 2009-2012
Dr. Norman Marcus and the Muscle Pain Detection Device, along with patient testimonials are featured on the Today Show, Fox News & Good Morning America. All are an absolute MUST WATCH!!
Today Show w/Dr. Marcus & MPDD
Fox News w/Dr. Marcus & MPDD
Good Morning America w/Dr. Marcus & MPDD
December 16th, 2009
Paper published by Corey Hunter MD, etc., now EPGLmed's Medical Director, regarding the MPDD. A New Muscle Pain Detection Device to Diagnose Muscles as a Source of Back and/or Neck Pain.
Published Paper on the MPDD
April 27th, 2010
EP Global Communication, a medical publishing company,(EPGL) and it's new Health Sciences Division, makes plans to assist Norman Marcus, MD, in increasing awareness of the efficacy and safety of the MPDD and therapies by featuring them in EP magazine, etc, etc. Thus begins EPGL's realtionship with the makers of the MPDD.
EPGL and the MPDD
However, nothing comes to be, as Corey Ribotsky of Nir Group, EPGL's main debt holder, pressures the company to enact massive dilution, due to the massive amount of convertible debt owed to them by EPGL thru it's PIPE financing, erasing all ways and means of the company obtaining the capital needed to enact it's awareness plan for the MPDD. EPGL will cease it's efforts as is tries for the next 2 years to try and convince Nir Group to renegotiate it's debt.
EPGL is one of 84 Companies indebted to Nir Group.
AJW Fund Portfolio of Companies
June 9th, 2010
Investigations of massive fraud by Corey Ribotsky and Nir Group, the main debt holder of EPGL, heat up.
Nir Group Fraud
November 2nd, 2010
Filed with the USPTO in 2006, in Novemeber of 2010, The Muscle Pain Detection Device (MPDD) receives it's patent.
Patent # 7,826,900.
'Apparatus and method for diagnosing a source of muscular pain, wherein the apparatus includes a housing, an electrical signal generator mounted within the housing, and a pair of electrodes, one of which is mounted on one end of the housing and the other of which is mounted on an opposite end of the housing. The generator may include either an analog waveform generator or a digital signal processor. Each of the electrodes stimulates a muscle with an electrical signal generated by the generator. One of the electrodes has a relatively small contact area for targeting smaller muscles or muscle groups, while the other electrode has a relatively large contact area for targeting larger muscles or muscle groups. The apparatus is a self-contained, wireless unit and is highly maneuverable, which allows a user to quickly and easily diagnose a source of muscle pain.'
USPTO Patent Info for MPDD
Click on link, once on search page, enter patent # from above and search. All information about patent will be listed.
March 30th, 2011
As investigative pressure mounts, Corey Ribotsky decides to liquidate the AJW funds, where EPGL debt resides, assigning his own liquidator, KPMG, pending the investigations being conducted by the SEC and FBI. He is then promptly sued by his investors. A judge then appoints PriceWaterhouseCooper to be the liquidator. Thus begins a year long legal battle by PwC to oust Ribotsky and his personally appointed liquidator, KPMG, from having any say in the liquidation process of the AJW Fund.
PriceWaterhouseCoopers appointed Liquidator by Courts
September 28th, 2011
The Securities and Exchange Commission charged a Long Island-based investment adviser, Corey Ribotsky of Nir Group and their AJW Fund with defrauding investors in hedge funds investing in PIPE transactions and misappropriating more than $1 million in client assets for his personal use. EPGL currently is indebted to Corey Ribotsky through PIPE financing.
SEC Files Charges against Nir Group
January 9th, 2012
PwC Finally gets full authority by the Court to be the Liquidator of the AJW Funds.
PwC Gets Full Authority
January 24th, 2012
Official Letter, to AJW Fund Creditors & Investors, from PricewaterhouseCoopers detailing the start of monthly meetings for creditors & investors.
PricewaterhouseCoopers Letter to Creditors & Investors
February 2nd, 2012
Corey Ribotsky is finally forced out of NIR by Pricewaterhouse-Coopers, following the charges filed by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Corey Ribotsky is Ousted From Nir Group & All Liquidation Dealings
PriceWaterhouseCoopers, with Ribotsky gone, can now start the liquidation process. First on it's list. EP Global Communications.
A brand new Company and renewed life for the MPDD.
EPGL will be the ONLY company, out of all 84 in the AJW Fund, that can be restructured into a profitable company.
March 28th, 2012:
EP Global Communications, Inc. Reaches Agreement With Major Debt Holders to Restructure and Become Medical Device Manufacturer and Marketing Company.
Deal Reached!
April 19th, 2012
EP Global Communications, Inc. Announces Details on Restructuring Plans and Upcoming Shareholder Meeting
June 27th, 2012
EP Global Communications, Inc. Achieves Shareholder Approval for Restructuring and Signs Definitive Restructuring Agreement
Company Becomes Medical Device Manufacturer and Marketer
This is a MUST read
July 11th, 2012
EP Global Communications, Inc., Announces the Appointment of Corey W. Hunter M.D. as Company Medical Director and Chairman of Scientific Advisory Board. Respected Pain Physician Headed a Team of Scientists at NYU for Early Findings on the FDA Cleared MPDD Device. Will Now Lead Device to the U.S. and International Healthcare Markets.
All the toxic debt has now been eliminated and there will be no unscrupulous dumping of shares into the market as service to debt ever again. The restructuring partners will never consider such a financing arrangement in the future and will not allow that predicament to occur to the Company or its shareholders again. In contrast, the restructuring partners of the Company are committed to growing the Company and shareholder value significantly for the long term.
Corey Hunter, M.D. & Elimination of Toxic Debt
July 26th, 2012
EP Global Communications, Inc. Announces Friday July 27, 2012 as Effective Date for Approved Reverse Split
EP Global Communications, Inc., announces that FINRA has set Friday July 27, 2012 as the market effective date for the 10:1 reverse split of common outstanding shares. The Company shareholders previously approved the reverse split on June 8, 2012.
As a result, the Company will eliminate 100% of major debt and effectuate a new direction into the medical device manufacturing and marketing sector.
EPGL's Opening Day
August 21st, 2012
EPGL Launches Twitter account and begins to update shareholders regularly with tweets and Q&A sessions
Twitter Page
August 30th, 2012
EP Global Communications, Inc., Announces First Orders for MPDD Medical Device and the Addition of Eric Lee M.D. M.A. to Medical Team
First Revenues and Addition of Eric Lee, M.D.
September 5th, 2012
EPGL Med conducts it’s 1st Q&A session for investors via Twitter. They discuss the MPDD along with it’s potential, and company plans for the future, etc, etc.
Investor Q&A #1
September 24th, 2012
EP Global Communications, Inc. Lands One of the World's Leading Biomedical Engineers.
David T. Markus holds a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering and a MS in Electrical Engineering with an emphasis in MEMS Microelectronics and Biomedical. The worldwide market for Bio-MEMS medical technology is estimated to grow into hundreds of billions of dollars over the next several years in healthcare as well as other technological markets. The Company plans to aggressively pursue new technology opportunities in this field of medical technology.
EPGL hires David T. Markus Ph.D
September 26th, 2012
EPGL Launches Website
EPGL Website
September 26th, 2012
EPGL Med conducts it’s 2nd Q&A session via Twitter for investors. They discuss fundamentals, management, the MPDD, etc, etc.
Twitter page detailing Investor Q&A #2
October 9th, 2012
Ryan M. Stellar M.E. B.E. joins Corey Hunter M.D., Eric Lee, M.D.M.A. and David T. Markus Ph.D. on the EPGL Team.
October 17th, 2012
EPGL Med conducts 3rd Q&A session via Twitter with investors. They discuss new staff, sales goals, etc, etc.
Twitter page detailing Investor Q&A #3
November 28th, 2012
EP Global Communications, Inc. Releases Dramatically Improved Balance Sheet After Restructuring, Announces New Assets
For the First Time in Two Years, Company Begins to Report Again and Move Up OTC Tiers on the Way to Full SEC Reporting in 2013
EPGL Begins Reporting. Sheds 'No Info Status'
November 28th, 2012
EPGL is announcing today for the first time, it has acquired significant new assets other than the MPDD device rights, in the BioMEMS arena. BioMEMS will be a major focus for the Company going forward as previously announced.
BioMEMS devices are as important to the future of medicine as microprocessors were to the computer revolution at the end of the last century. BioMEMS is a science that includes more than simply finding biomedical applications for microelectromechanical systems devices. It represents an expansion into a host of new polymer materials, microfluidic physics, surface chemistries and their modification, 'soft' fabrication techniques, biocompatibility, and cost-effective solutions to biomedical problems. It brings together the creative talents of electrical, mechanical, optical, and chemical engineers, materials specialists, clinical laboratory scientists, and physicians. BioMEMS devices are the platform upon which nanomedicine will be delivered.
EPGL Enters bioMEMS Arena
November 28th, 2012
EPGL Med conducts it’s 4th Q&A session via Twitter with investors. They talk about entering the bioMEMS industry, getting to current status, etc, etc.
Investor Q&A #4
December 31st, 2012
EPGL Med files EP Global Communication's Annual Reports containing Income Statements and Balance Statements from 2010 and 2011
Balance Statement 2010
Income Statement 2010
Balance Statement 2011
Income Statement 2011
December 31st, 2012
EPGL Med files it's Articles of Incorporation
Articles of Incorporation
December 31st, 2012
EPGL Med files it's Bylaws
January 4th, 2013
EPGL Med conducts it’s 5th Q& with investors via Twitter. They reaffirms their goal of meeting all of the requirements of uplisting to the OTCQX U.S, the company’s share structure, etc, etc
Investor Q&A #5
January 4th, 2013
Via Twitter, EPGL Med selects a Singapore based firm for its Asia distribution. This, among other news will be detailed in January 25, 2013 announcements.
January 8th, 2013
EPGL Med files it's 2012 Annual Report, Initial Company Information and Disclosure Statement
5,000,000,000 Authorized Common
4,668,000,000 Outstanding
499,161,167 Freely trading
The Company plans to manufacture, market and develop several new medical devices. Over the next 12 months, the company will seek strategic partners in equity finance, manufacturing and distribution to achieve these objectives.
The Company will not restructure again or propose any further reverse splits now or in the future. The Company believes it has more than adequate cash resources to see operations through the next 12 months.
Chronic back pain treatment in the United States alone is estimated to cost nearly $100 billion dollars annually. Utilizing recent Bureau of Labor Statistics data an estimate for the potential U.S. market for the MPDD is $2 billion and an additional $2.5 billion
globally, for a total potential market of $4.5 billion.
The Company projects that within 6 months of market launch, sales have the potential to exceed 2000 units per month worldwide and generating $10 million dollars per month.
For more highlights, read the damn report!!
2012 Annual Report
January 8th, 2013
EPGL Med files Supplemental Information to the OTC.
Statement of Cash Flow For the 12 Months Ended December 31, 2010.
2010 Cash Flow of Former Company
January 8th, 2013
EPGL Med files Supplemental Information to the OTC.
Statement of Cash Flow For the 12 Months Ended December 31, 2011.
2011 of Former Company
January 10th, 2013
EPGL files it's Attorney Letter to the OTC, meeting the requirements needed to be uplisted from 'Limited Information' to 'Current Status'.
Attorney Letter to OTC
January 10th, 2013
EPGL Med Files Supplemental Information - Financial Report Year to Date as of December 31,2012 - Amended
2012 Annual Report Ammendment
January 11th, 2013
EPGL is Uplisted to OTC Current Information!
OTC Tier Changes
January 11th, 2013
EPGL announces that all EPGL restricted shares were issued late in year 2012 with 99% of them being issued after December 20, 2012. The controlling shareholders, PWC/AJW Qualified/Hayes have all committed to long term growth of EPGL and will not enter any agreements where restricted shares can be "dumped" into the market. If any shareholder is not clear on this, they can contact EPGL investor relations for further clarification.
Contact Brady Peterson at EPGL Investor Relations
Restricted Share Announcement
January 25th, 2013
EPGLMed Issues Press Release.
The PR highlights EPGL’s success at landing a worldwide distribution deal in Singapore and a manufacturing deal in San Diego. Furthermore, they named March 29th, 2013 as the date they will announce when the MPDD’s get officially released. Also highlighted are the 6 new devices that EPGL is currently developing within the BioMems field.
Lastly, they announced new team members, Noah T. Kaufman, M.D. as Vice President of Emergency Medicine Innovations, Mark Rea as Innovations Advisor and Reid H. Erickson as Financial Partnership Strategy Advisor.
Worldwide Distribution Channel & Manufacturing Deal Announced along with New BioMems Devices, etc, etc
January 25th, 2013
EPGL conducts it’s first ever conference call for shareholders.
Michael Hayes talks about share structure and EPGL’s & PwC’s commitment to creating shareholder value, company goals of becoming a 50 Billion dollar company listed on the Nasdaq or NYSE, etc, etc. Listen to it. Starts 0:35.
Highlights include the Restricted Share Structure and how and why those shares will never enter the float.
Introductions of Staff.
Long term goals of the company.
etc, etc, etc. Just listen to the thing!
EPGL Conference Call
January 30th, 2013
In accordance with the 2012 Restructuring Agreement, EPGL has acquired the option and right of first refusal to all AJW / Pricewaterhouse Coopers controlled holdings. This includes up to 2.25 billion of RESRICTED common shares.
EPGL Granted 1st refusal of AJW's 2.25 Billion shares!
February 22, 2013
EPGL Receives First Physician Review of MPDD Device
“As you know I have had the opportunity to purchase and implement the Muscle Pain Detection Device into my pain management practice. I just wanted to give you some feedback as to my experience with the device, which up to this point has been quite encouraging..........cont”
Physician Review of the MPDD
February 25th, 2013
EP Global Communications, Inc. Announces Major Shareholder Update and Events Coming for March 2013. New Patents Being Filed and First Medical Device Release Among Topics
First, the Company announces that up to 12 new medical device patents will be filed in the month of March, 2013......
Second, the MPDD device will be released on March 25, 2013......
Third, the MPTT (Muscle Pain Trigger-Point Treatment) is being put on a track to be released by December, 2013 pending FDA 510k approval..........
Fourth, DTC restrictions on some brokers are expected to be lifted at any moment. The Company counsel has filed all requisite documents and all brokers should have access to EPGL stock electronic deposit services, shortly......
Fifth, as shareholders know, the Company has achieved Current Information status with OTC Markets. Now, the Company plans to graduate the EPGL symbol to OTCQX by end of year 2013. Following that movement, the next goal will be to bring the Company to NASDAQ or NYSE sometime in 2014.....
Shareholder Update
February 25, 2013
EPGL Conducts it’s 6th Investor Q&A via Twitter. They discuss the timetable in up listing to the OTCQX, the DTC restrictions being lifted, product development, and much, much more.
Investor Q&A #6
March 21st, 2013
EP Global Communications, Inc, EPGL Medical Begins Selling MPDD Devices, Singapore Distributor Secures First 1,000 Units Off Assembly Line
EPGL Seeing High Demand Beginning for First New Medical Device Released in US and International Markets.
MPDD Hits the Market!
EP Global Communications, Inc. (the Company), is pleased to announce that the Company has begun selling MPDD units both in the US Market and Internationally. The exclusive Singapore distributor has secured the first 1,000 units to come off the assembly line. In addition, the Company is simultaneously engaging the top 20 international markets throughout the world in addition to the United States.
April 2nd, 2013
EPGL conducts it’s second Conference call for shareholders.
Conference Call
April 11th, 2013
Google Glass to be Integrated by Medical Device Maker EPGL Med and EP Global Communications, Inc.
Company to be Among the First to Develop Medical Device Applications for Newest Smart Technology
EPGL to Implement Google Glass Tech
EPGL will be among the first Medical Device Makers to Implement Google Glass technology and the API Mirror platform for use with its medical devices. EPGL Medical, a new medical device maker specializing in advanced technology for innovative hand-held medical devices, has several new devices in development under direction of David T. Markus Ph.D., which are being developed with the latest smart platforms in mind.
Also, In addition to integrating smart technology such as Google Glass, EPGL Medical now has a "secret weapon" medical device technology advancement which no other medical device company has. This single technology will be the catalyst for dozens of new medical device technologies to be produced or licensed by the Company. The Company is in the process of filing more than 50 patents to protect this unique and valuable innovation.
April 11th, 2013
EPGL announces that is in talks to have a leading East Coast PR firm to dramatically increase exposure to the broader investment community. This will be put in place by end of April 2013 for the purpose of educating investors worldwide of the undervalued nature of EPGL presently.
EPGL Twitter
April 18th, 2013
EPGL announces that it has established Distribution in the 20 Global Markets and is working on establishing distribution with the Middle East to New Zealand.
EPGL Twitter
April 22nd, 2013
New BioMEMS Medical Device Platform "TopSpin" to Be Revealed by EPGL Medical and EP Global Communications, Inc., During "7 Days in April" Conference Call Series
David T. Markus Ph.D. Will Host Live Conference Call Series Starting April 24 through April 30, 2013.
7 Days of April Event!
As one of the top BioMEMS engineers in the world, Dr. Markus along with others, will unveil the importance and value of EPGL's new BioMEMS device platform in today's medical marketplace. The new technology stands to spawn potentially dozens of new medical devices, giving doctors innovative new tools for diagnosis and treatment.
May 16th, 2013
EPGL Files 1st Quarter Report along with
Q1 Balance Sheet, Income Statement & Cash Flow Statement
Q1 Balance Sheet, Income Statement & Cash Flow Statement
Cash & cash Equivilants: $12,868,500
Intellectual Property: $1,088,602,000
Total assets: $1,257,653,000
Q1 Report
Share Structure as of March 31st, 2013
5 Billion Authorized Common
4,668,229,167 Outstanding
4,169,068,000 Restricted
499,161,167 Tradable Float
May 20th, 2013
Article Published By Major Medical Device Magazine, MD-DI
Will EPGL's TopSpin Serve Up the Next Generation of Medical Devices?
A former DARPA scientist and a device startup want to change medical devices forever using bioMEMS
MD-DI Article
June 14th, 2013
Review Published by Manhattan Sports & Spine Medicine regarding MPDD
New Technology Promises Hope for Chronic Muscle Pain.
Manhattan Sports & Spine Medicine review of MPDD
June 18th, 2013
EPGL Medical Unveils New Devices and Intellectual Property Under EP Global Communications, Inc. Ownership
Advanced Device Prototypes on the Way Along with FDA 510k and PMA Applications.
New Devices and Intellectual Property
1. A new advanced ablation device for nerve pain treatment in the back.
2. A new advanced ablation device for nerve treatment of Facial Glabballar Frowning.
3. A new advanced device for elimination of facial wrinkles.
4. A new advanced Epidural device.
5. A new advanced power source for TopSpin medical devices.
6. A new and promising device for treatment of Retinitis Pigmentosa
7. A new and promising device for treatment of Macular Degeneration
8. A new and promising treatment for Hearing Loss
9. A new more accurate treatment for trigger points in the muscles (MPTT)
10. A new advanced device for treatment of prostate tumors.
11. A new advanced endoscopic device.
12. A new advanced device for delivery of micron sized drug payloads.
13. A new advanced device for delivery of micro mechanical devices into the body.
14. A new advanced device for biopsy.
15. A new advanced device for stem cell treatment delivery.
16. A new advanced contact lens device.
June 25th, 2013
DTCC Chill Lift is Authorized
Company Will Immediately Move to File with SEC for Up-Listing EPGL Ticker
DTCC Chill Lift is Authorized
“EPGL is pleased to announce that DTCC counsel has confirmed their authorization for removal of the DTCC Chill on EPGL ticker. The Company is also announcing that it will immediately move to file SEC forms for up-listing the Company to a higher stock exchange.”