$WPNV I like most of our members to read this what Mr Mutt said is 100% accurate ,we all have a duty to speak out ,we all can do somthing about this injustice ,pick up a pen and write to powers to be that regulate this business and point out what is a flagarant violation and a attempted theft of your money ,i know its easy to blame the news letters most of the time ,and i do not defend all news letters ,some are a real sham ,i will not name them ,but besides that there are some good news letters out there , but i truly believe the true evil is the MM and brokers ,all you have to do is watch how WPNV trades and you will see its a coordinated effort to hold prices down ,this stock with all the true fundamentals it has should be at 0.30 now if it is not ,its not because of a lack of not trying by members and our selves ,its because MM and shorts will try to hold here or bring down so they can make money and replace the stock they sold earlier at lower prices ,we on the other hand have been deprived of profits by this blatanat manipulation ,we will continue to push and move this to 0.30 and along the way expose them the shorts ,so all can see what they do daily ,members we have done this in the past ,we may have more ups and downs ,but at the end its our to take ,all our greatest wins have come by persistant pressure and never saying no ,when we knew we were right WPNV is ours to take and profits are there we need to go out and take them and we will have a great day