$WPNV now moving into the 21st day of fail to deliver and reaching levels of 70 % daily short ratio , you have to know that once we have news that could instigate a flurry of buying shorts need to cover in the millions of shares that alone will move this to the 0.20 to 0.30 level we are long term and intend keep profiling this play for much higher gains -this is a gem and we seen how short squeezes can prouuce great gains $DROP went from 0.0015 to $1.25 $EKNL went from 0.04 to 0.80 $WPNV is in a perfect postion to break out keep your shares tight and add at these levels money is always made on the buy at these prices this is a steal also have a over all buy WPNV strong buy indicator WPNV http://www. barchart.com/opinions/stock s/WPNV …