I posted a copy of a document that shows the original POO was denied. I have researched GDSM since Nov. And over and over is what GDSM has done with their 3rd JV with WSRA.
Mr. Chaffee stated in his shareholder update that GDSM would receive the sample results the first 2 weeks in July. So that deadline was 2 weeks ago and nothing. Are the results so bad Marc don't dare release them?
But Mr. Chaffee isn't transparent either - why not tell them that he transferred the Gold Crown lease out of WSRA and into his own name?
Why is VERT on L2 right at the top? Bad news when he is there.
You can silence the messenger, but that won't change the message.
It's not the remarks that affects the price, it's the "Truth". The windmill doesn't make the wind blow.