
Deleted post....IHUB, Pending Review...
You'll have to let the filings come out to get the exact deal and #'s.
I'm not privy to all the information you're looking for and nobody releases details like you're asking except in filings. And as you should know, everything, is subject to change at a stroke of a pen.
And trying to use the message boards as a Bully Pulpit was great during the Roosevelt Times but the meaning has changed and it's now ludicrous.
You have to go with the company says and understandably that's difficult, due to past history. It's understandable that you hold the position of disbelief.
Now I like having fun with Pound, Double Pound, No Mercy Pound, UpTick Pound and much much more, but it's all in fun and kicks for me.
What's amazing is how livid some are about a fun post. All they're meant to do is show it's happening at the Mitchell.
There just always seems to be a sleuth around adamantly attempting to discount what's easily seen. It's the old adage played out like this, are you going to believe me, or your lying eyes.
The Mitchell is just a tiny platform and proof positive TECO has made progress, it;s a win if you will. The percentages are not has important as the win. It's akin to a football game where we argue about the score. Was it 29 to 14 or was it 42 to 12, no,14 to 13.
A win is a win is a win.
The Mitchell although material is by no means a CFP situation and is just a tiny platform from which TECO can rise as a company, never mind the stock.
What's paramount is the Keep Drilling Motto. You have to keep the bit turning in this business if you're going to be successful. For me, how I see it, that's the key to failure or success. Let me add this too, the structure of deals has to improve. TECO has to take a larger step forward with each deal if we're not to be diluted out of our current positions. I don't want to be here fighting on the ground saving the shareholder money just to have it lost elsewhere. My time effort and money will go for naught. I'm definitely not for that.
There been a "fake oil story" propagated and that's been most unfortunate for some and soon to get much worse. Although some believe it's true (Certainly not me)it's been heard in Federal Court and the Judge isn't buying it. It may be plausible for some to apply a conspiracy theory and draw a conclusion favorable to "their" evidence but it's not true and it could never hold up it a court of law. Egging good folks on to run head first on an oncoming locomotive is terrible idea. I see a 7 figure judgment being handed down when it's said and done.
Is anyone here willing to help the petitioners with their court cost, litigation cost or judgment should they receive one?
I'll continue, later....

