Natalie Bannister email:
As publicly stated in press releases, periodic reports, and previous emails from me, I'm currently exploring all ventures to revive the company. That includes a joint venture, merger, acquisition, or other means necessary to rebuild positively and grow. Tell liable (the paid basher from ICRUD) he can call me, voice to voice, I'm happy to confirm this to end his nonsense. Thanks trtruth. Have a good weekend. Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID
1. Exploring all ventures meaning she is looking for the best merger she can. Natalie could have vetted one or more companies already and deemed them unworthy of a good merger. Who knows.
2. Liable is gay and I do not mean that negatively. He is just Gay and a liar.
Find the best merger Natalie and that is all any DUSS long would want.