The SIRG board is off limits for me - would if I could. Another company I follow released a Freasibility Study today and they want to develop an open pit copper mine but have not been able to get the US Forest Service permits nor the Corps of Engineers 404. They also have a problem because a "rare" orchid was discovered growing in an area that would be destroyed.
The Center for Biological Diversity filed a formal notice of intent to sue the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today for the agency’s failure to make a listing decision on a petition to protect Coleman’s coralroot, an extremely rare purple orchid found in the footprint of a proposed copper mine outside Tucson. The interesting news is that the Feasability Study estimates they will be producing copper at under $1.00 a lb. which seems low to me. I will do some research tomorrow to see if I can find more studies.
SIRG should be able to beat that because their pit is already there with lots of loose ore. If SIRG can meet that price that would be awesome as I was estimating $1.25 to $1.40.