I suspect much of the selling is part of the finance arrangements needed for the first of several concessions, as well as other start-up costs as needed. HIMR's financials stated that 2.3 million dollars would be required once logging commenced. I suspect a press release will be out sometime next week or shortly there after indicating HIMR has acquired at least one concession. In my opinion, valuations will be provided as well as the method of operation.
Since Hollund does not have the new version TigerLynk at this time, I surmise they will start logging using divers since they already have divers on contract to do the reservoir survey, and revenue may be produced immediately using this method. Naturally, any revenue generated will only be a fraction of what can be expected with the TigerLynk, but producing some revenue allows HIMR the ability to negotiate better terms with banks on future loans needed to build the company.
I fully expect audited financials --- perhaps this quarter as was hinted at in previous press releases --- as well as up-listing before the end of the year. Audited financials and up-listing will enhance Hollund's ability to obtain funding from a variety of sources.
Investors should remember that Hollund is entering a brand new industry where no one can truly be considered "expert" at underwater logging. However, TigerLynk technology allows Hollund to do what no other company can. In fact, Hollund will likely become the world leader in underwater logging once the TigerLynk is fully operational.
Look for news to start flowing sometime after this long holiday weekend. We are not talking about fluff PRs either. Instead, look for solid news releases on concessions, funding, orders, and more. IMO