Why so quite, its even quite on the idiot hub. If I may,how will peeps know when all the conversions are done?
Is the company going to wait for all to be sent in, if not what happens to the ones that miss the deadline. Do they have to wait until 6 months to convert.
Cant wait to see what happens here, I have preferreds in ANDI and following this closely to see what I have to look forward to, and try to guide the process there to move forward more quickly.
So far I seen a hang up with the conversion process, that hopefully they will have a little more organization, when its ANDIs turn. Other than that, the whole process has been smooth... So when ANDIs ready, I will push for the other peeps to process there Preferreds over to commons much quicker, lets just hope the company has a solid home for the conversion to happen and everyones on the same page....