$WPNV they really dont know what to do ,the shorts and market makers ,and are surley scrathing there heads and saying pinkies and OTCBB should not be like this ?what happened to the one day P & D ,well one thing for sure X P and its members are no one day P&D so next time do a little research and find out why in 2011 we had the biggest winner in the pinks =$DROP went from 0.0015 to over $1.25 in 2012 we had $EKNL went from 0.04 to 0.80 ,and now summer of 2013 we have huge hopes for a mega winner here in WPNV and guess what shorts ,you going to help us get it to mega gains just like you did with $DROP and $EKNL as now its evident like it was with the past short squeeze plays that $WPNV as we can see we are now in our 18th day of fail to deliver http://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/WPNV/short-sales