What they have done was clean it up to mean something that is not true. In the case of Edig. They had a business going where they manufactured a product with their invention. Others came along and used their invention with out permission. What do you call that?? Edig had people employed. they had thousands who invested their money in their invenmtions and it was stolen and these same people lost their jobs and their hard earned money. Thats theft. Don't clean it up. Don't Define infringers as being innocent of a crime they did committ. They are scum period. Now they want to define edig as a patent troll. Thats the height to which these same ones will go. They will attack the innocent and laud the criminal. My thought has always been to nail them that stole what was ours. You can put a lion in a canary cage and only a moron will say that its a canary. The theif has not change its stripe or its color. The time is now for EDIG, Only we can destroy what has now been defined as the property of edig. Make them pay and pay big time.
To be official soon...