Just posted by Sean of Facebook Treaty Page ... The opening was like one big George Constanza Wedgie. Hopefully it bottomed out.
T reaty Energy Corporation The 10k represents financial information that is 6 months old. In early 2013, Treaty Energy restructured its plans of operation and moved in a new direction. Please see our most recent press release for more information and future plans. We are going to begin operations on two new drilling prospects, plus operations on the standard lease. In other words, while the 10-K contains financial information up until December 31, 2012 -- it does not show financial standing as it is currently in 2013. Treaty Energy's management has made great strides towards the company's profitable future in the past 6 months and will continue to improve operations with the announcement of the two new drilling projects.
We are always here to answer any specific questions you may have, simply email us at investors@treatyenergy.com or give a call anytime at 504-754-6927. We're here to help you. As testament to the positive changes management has made, our Investor Relations team was created in December 2012 specifically to help shareholders.